Know. Act. 

Encompass gives you the clarity and power to have your healthiest pregnancy possible through personalized, objective, and actionable test results. 
Pregnant woman
What moms say about Encompass:
High-risk results and plan gave clear direction

“I chose the Encompass test because I felt like it would be a great way for me to be proactive in my pregnancy. My results came back as high risk for preeclampsia and my action plan is helping me move forward with clear direction. I’m glad I did the test and have this information.”
Avery C.
Verified purchaser
Sept 4, 2024
Peace of mind and clarity after IVF

“The Encompass test gave me additional reassurance because I got pregnant through IVF and I’m over the age of 35. I have already recommended this test to other women because it’s given me so much peace of mind. My experience with Encompass has felt very premium and this knowledge is really useful.”
Sarah P.
Verified purchaser
Aug 28, 2024
High-risk, but confidence with action plan

“With the Encompass test, I learned that I’m at high risk for developing preeclampsia. Looking at the action plan has given me great guidance on how to prevent it and how to talk to my doctor about it. Having these insights has helped boost my confidence and sense of control.”
Kayla S.
Verified purchaser
Aug 28, 2024
Strengthened relationship with doctor

“As a busy mom to two, I appreciated the at-home blood draw and found the SMS-assistant to be very helpful. I loved that Encompass sent my results to my doctor, making it easier for me to discuss with my care team at my next appointment. I think these results help me have control over my body and my plan and to prepare for what's coming.”
Leah E.
Verified purchaser
Sept 5, 2024
Results and action plan are easy to understand

“I wasn’t sure if this was for me but after learning more about the research behind it and speaking to my OBGYN and an MFM, I decided to try it. My results and action plan were easy to understand and provided me with peace of mind. The Encompass team has been really helpful each step of the way.”
Verified purchaser
Aug 28, 2024
Exceptional support from the Encompass team

“Knowing my risk and gaining unique insight into my pregnancy has been great. I’ve been working on my action plan and love having the support from the Encompass team by text. I’m feeling more confident, both mentally and physically, about having my healthiest pregnancy possible.”
Sonja L.
Verified purchaser
Aug 28, 2024
Want to participate in our Early Access Program like these expecting moms? Click Get Encompass to join our waitlist and see if you are eligible.

How it works

Encompass is an easy, at-home test to learn your risk for preeclampsia. Watch the video to learn more.

1 in 12 pregnancies
are affected by preeclampsia
The earlier preeclampsia strikes, the more severe the impacts are for both mom and baby.
Encompass test
Encompass identified 9 out of 10 eligible pregnancies that developed preeclampsia between 20 and 37 weeks, months in advance.1


What's included with the Encompass test?
RNA strand
  • Easy at-home blood draw between 18 and 22 weeks.
  • Know your preeclampsia risk months before symptoms.
  • Get a personalized action plan for you and your care team to prevent preeclampsia.
  • An SMS-based virtual assistant to simplify putting your plan into action.
What happens
after you
get results?
Knowing your risk is the first step
towards prevention, but then what?
Step 1: Review your personalized preventive action plan that is included with your...
Read more
Step 1: Review your personalized preventive action plan that is included with your test report. Check out the guides and tips included inside your results.
Step 2: Discuss your results and action plan with your OB or midwife at your next...
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Step 2: Discuss your results and action plan with your OB or midwife at your next appointment. We can even send them a copy so they get it as soon as you do.
Step 3: Work with your care team to do all that you can to prevent preeclampsia...
Read more
Step 3: Work with your care team to do all that you can to prevent preeclampsia. From medications, monitoring, labs, lifestyle changes and watching for signs and symptoms – there’s so much you can do to act on your risk.
Step 4: Having the healthiest pregnancy possible is no small feat and you might...
Read more
Step 4: Having the healthiest pregnancy possible is no small feat and you might need some extra help now and then. Luckily our extra smart, SMS-based virtual assistant will be there to help you simplify putting your plan into action. You’ll get tips, guides, check-ins, and reminders tailored to your action plan.



Know your unique risk, months early.

React once symptoms appear.

Get actionable test results.

Wait and see.

Be prepared with your personalized
action plan.

Risk being caught off guard.

Take proactive steps knowing that 
prevention is possible.

Have limited time to prepare.

How Encompass works

Order online.

Get your test kit delivered.

The Encompass testing window is between 18-22 weeks. The best way to order the test is here on our website.

Schedule test.

Pick a convenient time for your at-home test.

With Encompass, we come to you, so there is no extra trip to a lab or office required to have your blood drawn.

Draw blood.

A specialized medical professional will visit to draw your blood.

Your appointment won’t take long, plus they’ll make sure the sample is packaged correctly and gets to our lab right away.

Analyze sample.

Your test ships to our cutting-edge lab for analysis.

Our lab will analyze tens of thousands of RNA messages from you, your baby, and placenta to predict your preeclampsia risk.

Get results.

Risk level and personalized action plan delivered within 2 weeks.

Once your results are ready, you’ll be notified and can access them via our secure online portal. We’ll also share them with doctor or midwife, if requested.

Know & prepare.

Get the tools needed to add preventive steps to your action plan.

Every Encompass test comes with a personalized action plan so you and your care team can do everything possible to prevent preeclampsia.

Take action.

Confidently take proactive measures that fit your unique pregnancy.

From medications, monitoring, labs, lifestyle changes and watching for signs and symptoms – there’s so much you can do to act on your risk.

Hear from Clinicians and Survivors
“I had no idea what my risks were and I didn't know how common it was. Knowledge is power. I think the more time you have to prepare, the better.”
Preeclampsia Survivor,
Mother of 3 in Salt Lake City
“Encompass will give expecting individuals knowledge about their unique risk for preeclampsia. It’s about taking control, making informed decisions, and having the confidence needed for this pivotal life journey.”
Carrie Haverty, MS, CGC
Genetic Counselor & Mother of 2
VP of Product, Mirvie
“I wasn’t planning on preeclampsia. I felt like my birthing plan was just being thrown out the window.”
Preeclampsia Survivor,
Mother of 1 in Missouri
“If I had known that this was something I needed to be concerned with, I definitely would have been more proactive in my care.”
Preeclampsia Survivor,
Mother of 3 in Maryland
“I had no idea what my risks were and I didn't know how common it was. Knowledge is power. I think the more time you have to prepare, the better.”
Preeclampsia Survivor,
Mother of 3 in California
“It's about feeling prepared, not scared. Encompass will provide clarity and actionable insights that inspire confidence about your plan for the path ahead.”
Niko Morrison
Nurse Practitioner & Mother of 2
Clinical Manager, Mirvie
Know. Act. Prevent.
Powered by the Mirvie RNA Platform, as seen in:
It’s time for clarity
Show low risk
Show high risk

Encompass result: Low Risk

There is a decreased risk of developing preeclampsia in this pregnancy.

Encompass result: High Risk

There is an increased risk of developing preeclampsia in this pregnancy.

Show low risk
Show high risk

We know you want to do everything possible to ensure a healthy pregnancy, with the Encompass test you’ve taken the first step to know your risk.

Whether you’re low or high risk, there are many things you can do to lower your risk for preeclampsia even further. We’ll walk you through how to act on this information.

Your customized plan will guide you to do all that you can to prevent preeclampsia, and to recognize it right away if it does occur.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it so important to know my unique preeclampsia risk?

Preeclampsia affects 1 in 12 pregnancies1, often strikes without warning, and can:

- Cause poor growth for your baby
- Lead to preterm birth
- Result in a NICU stay, or a prolonged hospital stay
- Cause headaches, seizures, and organ damage
- Lead to lifelong impacts for mom and baby

But when your risk is revealed early, prevention is possible.

1Fink et al. JAMA Network Open. June 2023

What if my results indicate I’m high risk for preeclampsia?

No matter your results, there are many ways to lower your risk for preeclampsia even further. Your test results will include a customized plan that will help you take action to prevent preeclampsia and recognize it right away if it does occur. You should always discuss your results and action plan with your care team.

Is Encompass covered by insurance?

Currently, we accept payment via card or health savings account via our website.

Do I need to ask my doctor to order Encompass for me?

The easiest way to order Encompass is here on our website. We’ll help arrange for a clinician to review and verify your ordering information. Our customer care team is available to answer any questions you have about the process through phone, text, or chat.

Will my doctor get the results too?

We can send your results to your doctor or midwife, if requested. They’ll receive the exact report you did, including the customized action plan to prevent preeclampsia and how to recognize it right away if it does occur. You should always discuss your results and action plan with your care team.

Does Encompass replace my doctor or midwife?

No. With these results, you’ll know your risk and get a personalized plan for preventing preeclampsia to act on and discuss with your care team in order to have the healthiest pregnancy possible.

What pregnancies are eligible for Encompass?

Eligible pregnancies are singleton, age 35 or older, and without a pre-existing major risk factor for preeclampsia such as diabetes (e.g. Type 1 or 2), prior pregnancy with preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, renal disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

Clinical performance data available upon request.

About the

We aren’t just expert doctors and scientists — we’re parents who have been in your position. We know that pregnancy can be better and believe that with early awareness, prevention is possible.
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Newborn baby at hospital
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Have a question we didn’t cover?

Want to know more? Whether you want to text, call, or chat, we’re here to help you at every step of the ordering and testing process.
Niko Morrison, Client Services Manager
Niko Morrison
Client Services Manager
Nurse Practitioner & Mother to 2
Get in touch
Niko Morrison, Client Services Manager Niko Morrison
Client Services Manager
Nurse Practitioner & Mother to 2