Encompass™ Preeclampsia Test

A breakthrough to know if you're low or high-risk

With the Encompass test, you can now know your risk before it’s too late. Don’t get blindsided by preeclampsia. Prevention is possible.

  • Easy online ordering
  • Your order reviewed by a licensed clinician
  • At-home blood draw between 18-22 weeks
  • CLIA-lab analyzes RNA in your blood
  • Results delivered in less than 14 days
  • Includes a prevention plan based on your risk
  • SMS assistant to simplify your plan
  • Results sent to your care team, if requested
  • Client support throughout the process


Now available via our Early Access Program. 

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Why choose Encompass

Most doctors currently rely on the status quo to assess preeclampsia risk—broad, generic factors like age and race that don’t tell the full story. This approach can misidentify some as at risk or overlook those who truly are, leaving pregnant women unprepared for a preeclampsia crisis.

Encompass changes that. As the first and only RNA-based test to predict preeclampsia risk, Encompass:

✔️ Analyzes thousands of biological signals from you, your baby, and the placenta

✔️ Reveals your unique risk months before symptoms appear

✔️ Provides you and your doctor the information needed to take action, make a plan, and feel confident in your pregnancy


Breakthrough RNA-Science

Encompass provides an active snapshot of your pregnancy, analyzing tens of thousands of RNA messages from the mother, baby, and placenta to predict your preeclampsia risk.

Developed through the largest study of its kind, which studied RNA from over 11,000 pregnant women, Encompass goes beyond the status quo of relying on generalized risk factors. The test utilizes your unique biology to deliver a precise, evidence-based assessment of your risk.

How it works

Encompass is an easy at-home blood test to learn your risk for preeclampsia. Watch the video to learn more. 


Reviews ★★★★★
 “I learned that I’m at high risk for developing preeclampsia. Looking at the action plan has given me great guidance on how to prevent it and how to talk to my doctor about it."

Kayla S.
 — Verified Customer


Plan with clarity.

Low-risk result:
Have confidence you're in control of what's ahead for you and your baby's health. Know you're doing all you can for the healthiest pregnancy possible. 

High-risk result:
Be prepared and know the warning signs. Get a personalized, evidence-based action plan to help you and your care team do all you can to prevent preeclampsia, reduce its severity, or catch it right away. 

The first and only test of its kind The first and only test of its kind
The latest, proven science The latest, proven science
Personalized action plan Personalized action plan
Predicts months in advance Predicts months in advance
Results in less than 2 weeks Results in less than 2 weeks
SMS-based prevention plan assistant SMS-based prevention plan assistant

What moms say about Encompass:

Peace of mind and clarity after IVF
“The Encompass test gave me additional reassurance because I got pregnant through IVF and I’m over the age of 35. I have already recommended this test to other women because it’s given me so much peace of mind.”
Sarah P.
Nov 2, 2024
Early access purchaser
High-risk results and plan gave clear direction
“My results came back as high risk for preeclampsia and my action plan is helping me move forward with clear direction. I feel more empowered to have conversations with my providers, too!”
Avery C.
Sept 4, 2024
Early access purchaser
High-risk, but confidence with action plan
“I learned that I’m at high risk for developing preeclampsia. Looking at the action plan has given me great guidance on how to prevent it and how to talk to my doctor about it. Having these insights has helped boost my sense of control.”
Kayla S.
Aug 28, 2024
Early access purchaser
Strengthened relationship with doctor
“I loved that Encompass sent my results to my doctor, making it easier for me to discuss with my care team. They were reassured that I took the Encompass test and am doing everything I can for prevention.”
Leah E.
Nov 1, 2024
Early access purchaser
Results and action plan are easy to understand
“Both my OBGYN and my MFM were supportive of me taking the Encompass test. My results and action plan were easy to understand and provided me with peace of mind. I’ve taken daily action on my plan.”
Aug 28, 2024
Early access purchaser
Exceptional support from the Encompass team
“Knowing my risk has been great and has helped me stay on track. I’ve been working on my action plan and love having the support from the Encompass team by text. I’m more confident, both mentally and physically, about having my healthiest pregnancy possible.”
Sonja L.
Aug 28, 2024
Early access purchaser
Knowledge is power
“I would absolutely recommend this test. Having the knowledge that comes with this test only empowered my ability to advocate more effectively for myself in order to receive the proper care for prevention or early intervention. Knowledge is power.”
Kimberly C.
Sept 9, 2024
Early access purchaser
Encompass gave me a sense of relief and peace
“Pregnancy can be a stressful experience, and the Encompass test gave me a sense of relief and peace. From accessing my results to understanding and reviewing the report and action plan, everything was very easy, clear, and helpful.”
Karina A.
Sept 16, 2024
Early access purchaser
My OB provider was glad I took the Encompass test
“The comprehensive report provided me with lots of resources, helping me stay on track! I wanted to be as prepared as possible and I now have more peace of mind.”
Rebecca O.
Dec 13, 2024
Early access purchaser
For moms who want to be proactive
“I would HIGHLY recommend this test to first-time moms, those who may be nervous about their pregnancy health, and moms who want to be proactive. I believe insight and extra peace of mind is invaluable, especially when managing your pregnancy.”
Victoria N.
Sept 17, 2024
Early access purchaser
Grateful for the preventative care plan
“I would definitely suggest Encompass to other expecting mothers! I'm grateful for the preventative care plan and was really amazed by the support from the SMS virtual assistant. It felt like I had my own personal concierge, which was invaluable! ”
Jessamy C.
Sept 18, 2024
Early access purchaser
Landmark Pregnancy Research
The earlier preeclampsia strikes the more severe its impacts are for mom and baby.

Encompass identified 9 out of 10 eligible pregnancies* that developed preeclampsia between 20 and 37 weeks, months early.1

*Eligible pregnancies: singleton, age 35 or older, and without a pre-existing major risk factor for preeclampsia.
1 Clinical performance data available upon request.

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Know. Act. Prevent.

Powered by the Mirvie RNA Platform, as seen in:

Having a test that can tell you you’re at risk (for preeclampsia) is a tremendous advancement. It’s also ultimately the goal to prevent or limit the negative outcomes.
Read more
We're looking to help individuals with predictive testing. Translating knowledge into action and prevention will really move the needle in the right direction on maternal mortality.
Read more
2023 Winner: Platform that analyzes tens of thousands of RNA messages from parent, placenta, and baby to help predict who is at the highest risk of developing complications.
Read more
This actionable test represents a clear opportunity to answer the “why” behind which moms are at highest risk for pregnancy complications.
Read more
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IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.
Discover your risk for preeclampsia before symptoms appear.
Even the healthiest moms can be at risk.

What do these moms say  about Encompass?

Encompass can help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible — learn more from moms who've had the Encompass experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it so important to know my unique preeclampsia risk?

Preeclampsia affects 1 in 12 pregnancies1, often strikes without warning, and can:

• Cause poor growth for your baby
• Lead to preterm birth
• Result in a NICU stay, or a prolonged hospital stay
• Cause headaches, seizures, and organ damage
• Lead to lifelong impacts for mom and baby

But when your risk is revealed early, prevention is possible.

What if my results indicate I’m high risk for preeclampsia?

No matter your results, there are many ways to lower your risk for preeclampsia even further. Your test results will include a customized plan that will help you take action to prevent preeclampsia and recognize it right away if it does occur. You should always discuss your results and action plan with your care team.

Is Encompass covered by insurance?

Currently, we accept payment via credit card or health savings debit account, such as a Family Savings Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA).

Do I need to ask my doctor to order Encompass for me?

The easiest way to order Encompass is here on our website. We’ll help arrange for an independent clinician to review and verify your ordering information. Our client services team is available to answer any questions you have about the process through phone, text, or chat.

Will my doctor get the results too?

We can send your results to your doctor or midwife, if requested. They’ll receive the exact report you did, including the customized action plan to prevent preeclampsia and how to recognize it right away if it does occur. You should always discuss your results and action plan with your care team.

Does Encompass replace my doctor or midwife?

No. With these results, you’ll know your risk and get a personalized plan for preventing preeclampsia to act on and discuss with your care team in order to have the healthiest pregnancy possible.

What can be done to prevent preeclampsia?

From medications and monitoring to nutrition, exercise, and watching for symptoms, there are many evidence-based strategies aimed toward preventing preeclampsia. Every Encompass test includes a plan based on your personal risk. While prevention is possible, no method is perfect. Always discuss your risk and preventive action plan with your care team. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

• Preventive measures can lessen the severity of preeclampsia or delay its onset, which is critical for your baby’s health.
• Knowing what to watch for helps you catch it early so your care team can act quickly and is ready to intervene. 
• Being informed prepares you for how preeclampsia might affect your delivery and helps you make important decisions in advance.
• It helps you avoid the shock and trauma of facing a condition you haven’t considered or prepared for.
• You can feel confident knowing you’re doing everything possible for a healthy pregnancy.

Why do certain preexisting conditions make me ineligible for Encompass?

Currently, Encompass is only validated in mothers without certain preexisting conditions including, a history of preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, diabetes, renal disease, lupus or antiphospholipid syndrome.

Is prevention still possible? Yes! Make sure you discuss your risk with your care team and c
heck out the resources on PreeclampsiaPreventon.com to create a preventive action plan with their help. 

What is our Early Access Program?

We are currently offering the test in select geographies. We are continually updating our availability, and the best way to find out if it is available in your area is to start your order right here on our website. 

Who is eligible?
You must meet the following criteria:
You’re currently expecting with just one baby
You’ll be at least 35 years old by your estimated due date
You’re less than 22 weeks pregnant before you order
You’re able to get your blood drawn between 18-22 weeks

In addition, you can't have any of the following preexisting conditions: diabetes (e.g. Type 1 or 2), prior pregnancy with preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, renal disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. See FAQs to learn more.

Have a question we didn’t cover?

Want to know more? Whether you want to text, call, or chat, we’re here to help you at every step of the ordering and testing process.
Niko Morrison, Client Services Manager
Niko Morrison
Sr. Manager Client Services 
Nurse Practitioner & Mother to 2
Get in touch
Niko Morrison, Client Services Manager Niko Morrison
Sr. Manager Client Services 
Nurse Practitioner & Mother to 2
Its time for clarity
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