“I would absolutely recommend this test. Knowledge is power."
— Kim C.

“My care team was reassured that I took the Encompass test and am doing everything I can for prevention.”
Leah E.
“I would HIGHLY recommend this test to first-time moms who want to be proactive.”
Victoria N.
“I would absolutely recommend this test. Knowledge is power.”
Kim C.
Early access purchaser
Encompass Reviews
Kayla S.
Aug 28, 2024
“With the Encompass test, I learned that I’m at high risk for developing preeclampsia. Looking at the action plan has given me great guidance on how to prevent it and how to talk to my doctor about it. Having these insights has helped boost my confidence and sense of control.”
Sarah P.
Nov 2, 2024
“The Encompass test gave me additional reassurance because I got pregnant through IVF and I’m over the age of 35. I have already recommended this test to other women because it’s given me so much peace of mind. My experience with Encompass has felt very premium and this knowledge is really useful.”
Rebecca O.
Dec 13, 2024
“The team at Encompass was committed to giving me the best possible experience. The comprehensive report was easy to read and provided me with lots of resources, helping me stay on track! My OB provider was glad I took the Encompass test. I did this test because I wanted to be as prepared as possible and I have more peace of mind after receiving my results.”
Nov 1, 2024
“I wasn’t sure if this was for me but after learning more about the research behind it and speaking to my OBGYN and an MFM, who were supportive of it, I decided to try it. My results and action plan were easy to understand and provided me with peace of mind. I’ve taken daily action on my plan and the Encompass team has been really helpful each step of the way.”
Victoria N.
Sept 17, 2024
“I would HIGHLY recommend this test to first-time moms, those who may be nervous about their pregnancy health, and moms who want to be proactive. I believe insight and extra peace of mind is invaluable, especially when managing your pregnancy.”
Sonja L.
Aug 28, 2024
“Knowing my risk and gaining unique insight into my pregnancy has been great. I’ve been working on my action plan and love having the support from the Encompass team by text. My care team thought the Encompass test was really cool. Having these results has been really good and has helped me stay on track. I’m feeling more confident, both mentally and physically, about having my healthiest pregnancy possible.”
Jessamy C.
Sept 18, 2024
“Encompass brought me a lot of peace of mind and I would definitely suggest this to other expecting mothers! I'm grateful for the preventative care plan that was offered. I was really amazed by the support from the SMS virtual assistant. It felt like I had my own personal concierge and their assistance was invaluable!”
Avery C.
Nov 1, 2024
“I chose the Encompass test because I felt like it would be a great way for me to be proactive in my pregnancy. My results came back as high risk for preeclampsia and my action plan is helping me move forward with clear direction. Knowing that I’m high risk has made me more aware and in tune with things going on with my body. I've learned so much about preeclampsia, how it may affect my pregnancy, and what I can do so that I'm really aware and prepared. I’m glad I did the test and have this information. I feel more empowered to have conversations with my providers, too!”
Leah E.
Sept 5, 2024
“As a busy mom to two, I appreciated the at-home blood draw and found the SMS-assistant to be very helpful. I loved that Encompass sent my results to my doctor, making it easier for me to discuss with my care team at my next appointment. Since receiving my Encompass prevention action plan, I’ve been using it a lot; implementing some of the tips and checking my blood pressure daily. I did show a symptom of preeclampsia, knew what to look for, and immediately contacted my provider. My care team was reassured that I took the Encompass test and am doing everything I can for prevention. I think these results help me have control over my body and my plan and to prepare for what's coming.”
Kimberly C.
Sept 10, 2024
“I would absolutely recommend this test. As someone who was already hyper-aware that preeclampsia was a great possibility with my pregnancy, having the knowledge that comes with this test only empowered my ability to advocate more effectively for myself in order to receive the proper care for prevention or early intervention. Knowledge is power, and that power can boost your confidence in navigating your pregnancy journey.”
Karina A.
Sept 16, 2024
“Pregnancy can be a stressful experience, and the Encompass test gave me a sense of relief and peace. From accessing my results to understanding and reviewing the report and action plan, everything was very easy, clear, and helpful.”
Sarah J.
Nov, 25, 2024
“I would absolutely recommend this test to my friends. It was such a great experience and I’m following all the guidelines, helping me to feel more confident and assured in my pregnancy. The at-home blood draw was super convenient and the virtual assistance and educational content was really helpful.”
Encompass predicts preeclampsia risk months in advance

Preeclampsia can lead to preterm birth. Discover your risk before it’s too late.

Even a low-risk pregnancy can turn into a crisis without warning.

IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.

Plan for the healthiest pregnancy possible with personalized insights.
Kim & Melissa

Even the healthiest moms can be at risk. Stay one step ahead of preeclampsia.

Do you have an action plan to prevent preeclampsia? Take control of your risk.

You have a chance to get ahead of severe complications for your baby.

Preeclampsia can lead to preterm birth. Discover your risk before it’s too late.

Even a low-risk pregnancy can turn into a crisis without warning.

IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.

Plan for the healthiest pregnancy possible with personalized insights.
Kim & Melissa

Even the healthiest moms can be at risk. Stay one step ahead of preeclampsia.

Do you have an action plan to prevent preeclampsia? Take control of your risk.

You have a chance to get ahead of severe complications for your baby.

Preeclampsia can lead to preterm birth. Discover your risk before it’s too late.

Even a low-risk pregnancy can turn into a crisis without warning.

IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.

Plan for the healthiest pregnancy possible with personalized insights.
Kim & Melissa

Even the healthiest moms can be at risk. Stay one step ahead of preeclampsia.

Do you have an action plan to prevent preeclampsia? Take control of your risk.

You have a chance to get ahead of severe complications for your baby.

Preeclampsia can lead to preterm birth. Discover your risk before it’s too late.

Even a low-risk pregnancy can turn into a crisis without warning.

IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.

Plan for the healthiest pregnancy possible with personalized insights.
Kim & Melissa

Even the healthiest moms can be at risk. Stay one step ahead of preeclampsia.

Do you have an action plan to prevent preeclampsia? Take control of your risk.

You have a chance to get ahead of severe complications for your baby.

Preeclampsia can lead to preterm birth. Discover your risk before it’s too late.

Even a low-risk pregnancy can turn into a crisis without warning.

IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.

Plan for the healthiest pregnancy possible with personalized insights.
Kim & Melissa

Even the healthiest moms can be at risk. Stay one step ahead of preeclampsia.

Do you have an action plan to prevent preeclampsia? Take control of your risk.

You have a chance to get ahead of severe complications for your baby.

Preeclampsia can lead to preterm birth. Discover your risk before it’s too late.

Even a low-risk pregnancy can turn into a crisis without warning.

IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.

Plan for the healthiest pregnancy possible with personalized insights.
Kim & Melissa

Even the healthiest moms can be at risk. Stay one step ahead of preeclampsia.

Do you have an action plan to prevent preeclampsia? Take control of your risk.

You have a chance to get ahead of severe complications for your baby.

Preeclampsia can lead to preterm birth. Discover your risk before it’s too late.

Even a low-risk pregnancy can turn into a crisis without warning.

IVF mom and genetic counselor explains how the test works.

Plan for the healthiest pregnancy possible with personalized insights.
Kim & Melissa

Even the healthiest moms can be at risk. Stay one step ahead of preeclampsia.

Do you have an action plan to prevent preeclampsia? Take control of your risk.

You have a chance to get ahead of severe complications for your baby.
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